Thursday, September 17, 2009

Need Wanted: Interpret Daniel's Dream

The dreams I have, the ones I remember most, are the ones that happen early in the morning.  Not sure if that's true for everybody else, but it sure is for me.  To set the stage, let's rewind last night to about 5:00AM.  My oldest woke up wanting desperately to take a shower.  This isn't a dream mind you.  This happened (as he would say) in real life.  Not sure why, but he was insistent on getting in the shower at that time.  I was more insistent on him going back to sleep.  We negotiated back and forth a bit, his words mumbled by the early morning confusion, while mine were affected only by the mouth guard I wear a night because I grind my teeth.  Eventually he relented, opting to get into my bed in place of a shower.

We tossed and turned a bit until we both fell fast asleep again.  Then came the dream . . .

(if this were a movie/TV show and not a blog, this is where images would shift, things would get fuzzy, the music would change to an ominous mood providing several visual cues that we're entering a dream sequence now would ensue)

I'm living in the same town I live in today.  I'm guessing that's were I am, because I'm not sure what town it is, but in my dream it feels like home.  Right away I know that something is wrong.  I've left the pizza that I was supposed to bring home to my wife at somebody's house.  The house where I left the pizza was a friend I suppose, but I don't know this person from my real life.  The guy in my dream looked a lot like Roy Scheider, who is definitely not a personal friend of mine, though I do admire his acting chops immensely.  Jaws especially.

Anyway, I got the pizza home and I intended on sharing it with my wife.  But she was busy doing all sorts of other things (eating pizza not being one of them).  She couldn't make time for even a bite.  I kept walking past the pizza (now on the kitchen counter) and whenever I passed by, I'd nibble at a slice.  I passed by the kitchen counter a lot apparently.  Eventually there was one slice left and I took a bite of that one too, gulped upon realizing that was the last piece of pizza and my wife hadn't had any yet.

Then I realized something else.  When I picked up the pizza up from Roy's house it wasn't a full pie.  In my dreamy mind I could remember Roy saying something like--"it's almost all there".  I figured Roy had a couple slices still at his house that were technically my slices.  I didn't hesitate calling him back to ask if I could come over to get them.

When Roy answered the phone, in the backround I heard his teenage sons yelling they had to leave  for school.  Suddenly, I felt very awkward and foolish about wanting to go back to Roy's house to pick  up a couple left behind slices of pizza.  Despite my hesitancy, I asked Roy if I could drop by and pick them up.  An awkward long pause ensued.  Eventually, Roy said I could.

The dream ended with my retrieving the slices from Roy's house, Roy commenting on the effort I put out to get those slices back and his questioning why I just didn't go to the pizza place and order a new pie for my wife.

Then I woke up.

I realize it's easy to say: "This dream means you're a nut case (nut bag, cuckoo-head, whack job whatever)".  I'm hopeful for more thoughtful insights of the subconscious interpretations, so if you have any, please share.


  1. ***imagine a John-Wayne type Western accent here***

    Listen up partner...'round these here parts, I've got me a reputation of having the craziest dreams this side of the Mississippi.

    ( the accent sucks and I'm continuing without it.)

    I once had a dream that I washed my boss's hair in my kitchen sink - that I died and heaven was a Dairy Queen - and just last night, that I was bitten on the foot by a baby muskrat and the doctor that tended to me was Kellan Lutz. My weird dreams also occur in the morning - typically after I've woken once, too.

    Let me offer you my interpretation:

    Your brain is attempting to soothe your feelings of inadequecy in regards to your lack of domestic contribution at home. Translation - you feel guilty for not emptying the dishwasher last Thursday and forgetting to take out the garbage two months ago.

    The message - bring home Chinese instead of pizza. It's harder to sneak nibbles of Chinese food. Oh, and fold that load of laundry in the dryer. :-)

    Mary Hubbell

  2. Great suggestion Mary! Chinese food and the laundry. I'm on it!

  3. You're worried that life as a novelist will not provide for your family. Duh.
